Thursday, July 30, 2020

Day 3,244

The Different Views

Pup was so tuckered out that even getting a sip of water was a far-reaching task. Welcome to my life, Bitsy the Cow. 

Meanwhile, the ones causing all the ruckus are living their best life. 

“Children, what are you doing?”

In unison: “Getting some sun, Mom!” 

LOTS of sun. 

Yesterday, this almost 1 1/2 year old jumped from in the side of the pool and swam the entire width without coming up for air. She’s somehow—if even possible—more in love with the water than my other three water babies. Officially, we are Floridians. 

Still got that Washington swag though. 

Goodnight from the buzzin tooth brushin Conleys!

And goodnight from the room of the asymptomatic Covid patient locked in quarantine in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! 

Adam stated today, “Ken, you’re still outside? You’ve been outside all day! Good job! I haven’t been outside in 5 days.”  

It was a joke.
It nearly made me cry. 

I miss him so much. 
But, I’m good. Truly. And he’s good. 
And this isn’t ideal but we’re growing and learning and serving so much as these days move forward, and choosing joy regardless. I am thankful more than ever that the Lord blessed me with this man for a husband. What grace. .  

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