Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Day 3,243

The Clean Undies and Cuddly Puppy

Adam packed originally to be gone for five days. It’s been eight. He has no tennis shoes, no workout clothes, no baseballs, or sliders in his hotel suitcase. And he’s now run out of socks and underwear. So, the man did what any reasonably responsible adult would do and got into his bathtub, turned the temperature as hot as it would go, and scrubbed his clothes clean by hand. He then jimmy rigged all the hangers in the closet to fashion a drying rack that he dangled from the window handle. 

Whatever it takes. 

Meanwhile back at home, we have  new cuddle buddy. 

(Napping has never been so fun!)

And we’re stuffing our faces full of sandwich. 

And watching Mom workout because joining her is just so not cool. 

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