Friday, July 31, 2020

Day 3,245

The Slideshow

Baking Besties. 

Snorkeling Sissy. 

Blue eyed Bitsy. 

Fishin Fanatic. 

Calming Katesy. 

Birthday Bakers. 

Laughin Ladies. . 

Birthday Boy. 

Coronavirus Update:

Adam’s quarantine has been an experience, to say the least. But he’s quite thankful for the space he’s been given and the work he’s been able to complete while there. 

Adam’s room is actually more like a studio. He has a small furnished  kitchen (no oven), a dining table, a desk, and two couches with a coffee table. It’s not ideal, but it could certainly be worse. He’s been keeping a mixture of all sorts of health-boosting ingredients boiling in his pot in hopes that something—anything—will quicken the turnover of his positive test. I was able to order him groceries via Instacart and they delivered to the lobby. Super grateful for this unexpected blessing. 

He was also delivered a baseball yesterday. 

That huge white thing he’s throwing into is his mattress.
Notice his attire and lack of shoes. 
You better believe he’s still gettin after it however he can in there!

Aye, my friends. 
What a day to be alive...

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