Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Day 3,242

The Cow and the Corona

About two weeks ago, Adam randomly declared something to the effect of, “this life is so short and our God is so good; let’s get a dog!” in response to the incredible fruit that has come out of this specific season of our life. I thought he was joking. Mostly, he was. We laughed. And then we laughed sort of nervously. And then I laughed and said he was insane and that we’re definitely not doing that because: a dog? During baseball? Have you lost all sense of rationality? We’re not getting a dog, right?


After the meltdown and poor shepherding of Amelia’s little heart a couple weeks ago—when we promised her we’d buy a puppy but then learned the one we loved was $7,200—we found a breeder in Ohio whose pups were a week out from being old enough to come to us. And at a fraction of the $7,200 cost. The puppy’s given name was Amelia. She was born on May 24: Adam’s 30th birthday. And her face looked like a little kid took a sharpie and scribbled all over it. The immediate sense of sentimentality hit me hard. She was certainly the one. 

Two days ago, she arrived at our home. At the end of a scavenger hunt I created for the kids, this tiny, miniature sized Aussie was timidly sitting, when four neurotic children came barreling into her presence, just about killing her in excitement. 

My friends, meet Bitsy the Cow. 
Bitsy for short. 
Named officially by Ella Mae. 

Her name comes from the Conleys most often watched and favorite movie: Charlotte’s Web. Bitsy is one of the talking cows in the barn; a name perfectly suitable for our black and gray and white spotted Aussie. And sentimental for always. 

And what a sweet gift she’s been. A very timely and welcomed distraction since the status of our lives has changed dramatically upon receiving her. 

Oh Ella Mae, I’m with you, my sweet girl. 

The day Bitsy arrived, we were given the news that four Marlins players had tested positive for the virus. Immediately, the team issued rapid testing for the remaining players and later that night, Adam’s came back positive, along with 10 others. 

Two days before the initial restart of baseball, the entire team was tested for the virus, and every other day following, the team has continued their testing. They’ve met the requirements of extremely strict protocols set in place to ensure the safety of the team and community. Over the course of those three Summer Camp weeks, Adam maintained a negative result. His last test result in Miami, on July 20, came back negative, and the team departed for their first games in nearly 10 months on the 21st. He again tested negative on the 22, the 24, and ultimately, positive late on the night of the 26th. All that to say, the remaining 5 Conleys are well and healthy and were away from Daddy when he contracted the virus.

Adam is without symptoms and quarantined to his hotel room in Philly until further notice. 

The kids are confused, sad, and missing their Daddy. Adam is doing all he can to maintain his health and occupy his time proactively, while spending much of the day on FaceTime with our babes. He sent me a picture yesterday of him doing yoga on the floor of his room in his underwear (ha!), since he has no workout clothes and didn’t want to sweat in the only cozy shorts he has. Quarantined life, to be sure.  

We’re thankful he’s feeling well and hopeful for two consecutive negative tests sooner rather than later. Obviously. It’s harder than ever being away from him but we’re doing all we can to maintain perspective and trust that this too, is in the Lord’s hands. We just want to be faithful with whatever comes our way, even in a situation that seems at times, bleak.

To those who have reached out, thank you for your kindness. I apologize for the delay in my response, however. Between all the news, all the phone calls, four kids, an 8 week old puppy, meals, housework, my personal Bible study, 3 guests, and no husband, I’m struggling to find any more time in my day. But I will get back to you soon!

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