Friday, November 2, 2012

Day Four Hundred and Eighteen

The Blur

By: Adam

The last few days have been a challenge for the family. There is so much emotion, and things to do that a routine is essentially out of the question. We all have had moments of clarity, probably more of uncertainty and confusion the past few days, and moments of stand still. For most of us, this is a new experience, and we're doing our best to feel our way through it, together. Pictured above is a glipse of a standstill. Doing our best to relax and think things through. This past year has been so busy, and fast, that we're all exhausted at this point. One thing it has taught me is the beauty of a family, and relationship. Family isn't always picture perfect, and life is far from it. However, I think that reality makes relationship so much more significant, and love's endurance shines. When a conversation starts to become an argument, it just takes one look at Hunter's face, or one memory to remind everyone of that love thats so strong. 

We are hanging in there, I've heard a few people express that Johnie's passing doesn't feel real. I can relate to that feeling. 

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