Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day Four Hundred and Seventeen

The king Meets His King

At the age of 25, I never thought I'd be writing anything like this.

We had plans. Big ones. Dad was going to begin throwing the ball again. He wanted to pitch for his old fast ball team. He was already hitting golf balls and considered possibly getting back in to bowling too. We had a Spring Training trip planned for March. He was going to come down and hang out for the week in Baseball heaven.

So many plans. 
So much to do.

Yesterday, my Daddy passed away.

I screamed. I cried. It wasn't real. It isn't real. He couldn't be gone. He can't be gone. 
It's only been a month since Dad moved back to Spokane to be with his family. Finally, together again. After so many years. It was a new start. An exciting start. And everything was going so well. 

My Dad was happy. Well, he was always happy. Ask anyone who knew him, and they'd tell you that that smile never left his face. Except when you tried to feed him vegetables. Or when the Mariners sucked. His last comment on my blog said that he was doing great. And I believed him. The next day, he died. Peacefully. Taking a nap.

My dad fought cancer for 12 years. He battled and clawed his way through countless rounds of chemo and radiation, pokes and prods. In his suffering, he found ways - so many ways - to inspire hope. He was courageous, even in the face of death. He was sturdy, defeating all the odds. I heard him only once, tell me that he was tired. Gosh, Dad. How were you so strong? For so long? I admire him more than anything for that strength.

It's hard to say, but I think my dad was ready. He was ready to go Home. Actually, I know he was. He'd been strong for so long, but he found a different Strength right before he left this world. 

On Tuesday, Dad received in the mail, Saturday Nothing, a book written by Josh Martin. The same friend and pastor who married Adam and I. Dad read the entire book in one sitting. After finishing the story - a story all about Jesus - Dad wrote a review of it on Amazon:

"I must say first off that I am not a biblical scholar! But Josh's approach in this book makes it very easy to understand and I thank him for that. A very poingant story that hits on all levels. I am proud to say I am a prodigal son!"

My hope lies in the 10 words of his last sentence. Maybe just the last 5 words. Dad returned to the loving arms of Jesus before he died. And Jesus ran to meet him. Forgiven. 

On  Wednesday, October 31, 2012, John Mays III, My Daddy, My Friend, My Coach, and My Hero, passed away. I find hope and peace in the words Dad wrote just one day earlier. He's in Heaven now. He's Home. He's spending eternity with His Father. God, I am so thankful You waited for him.

I want to thank everyone, on behalf of myself and my family, for all the prayers, encouragement, condolences, and stories that you've poured out over my Dad and our family. He was, and is, loved by so many, and one measly blog post could never encompass the man he was or the words I could speak of him. For my memory, his, and our friends and family, here are some things you had to say:

"Your dad is, was, and always will be an inspiration to anybody that had the privilege of knowing him"

"Jake Kenzie Ellie Shelby Morgy Porgy, your dad will be remembered as an inspiration of stregnth and courage as well as compassion... Lolly I hope you can call on his stregnth right now! none of you ever forget how many hearts that mans memory lives in! I only hope the pride of such a legacy helps some of the pain..."
"A long time survivor of brain cancer won an eternal, cancer free life with Jesus yesterday. Please keep his family in your prayers as I know he will be terribly missed by so many. I met Johnie through a survivors page a couple of years ago and he is one brave, grateful soul! RIP Johnie... I look forward to the day we will be able to meet in person! "

"i love you so much. you will be missed more than you will ever know. always a smile or a joke to crack and i will miss every moment of it. you were such a fighter, and you will always be a hero to me. you taught me that no matter what the doctors say, no matter what they tell you, that you can fight through it. one of the strongest people i know, and you fought that horrible disease for years. i love you."

"Johnie was the first person to reach out to me as a friend when I moved to Kirkland in the 8th Grade, and that outgoing and friendly spirit lives on. Wish there were more like you, Johnie."

"The world lost a great man and one of my heroes tonight. He was the best baseball coach many of us have ever had and the strongest and most dedicated person I have ever met. You'll be missed by many coach."

"The Hard Rock pin collecting community and the world have lost one of the good guys today. Rest in peace, my friend. I hope I will see you again someday."

" I came to know Johnie through the Seattle HRc pin club.I am proud to call him my friend. A finer one I could not find. I will miss you, I love you my friend. You will leave a void in my life no one else can fill. You brought laughter , to our meetings, you brought yourself, I could not wait to see you and always saved you a placed next to Ernie and me. My neices ,loved you too."

"He was so courageous and positive throughout his fight with cancer. My heart goes out to you and his chiildren. I went to high school with Johnie, and I have enjoyed his FB posts and pictures about his family. Such a proud and loving father, such a kind soul. What an amazing family and bond he had with all of you. As a 2yr breast cancer survivor, and being in the midst of a 5yr anti-cancer drug therapy, he was a real inspiration to me on keeping positive and appreciating life despite cancer treatment. I will miss his ray of light"

"There is no greater title one can be bestowed than that of one who is the embodiment of true courage and inspiration. I can think of no one who deserves that than Johnie! I have had the pleasure of knowing him in our youth, and watching him become a father of children who he had no greater proud of."

"Johnie, you fought a great fight. Im sad to see someone go so early. Now its your time to hangout with the baseball gods and watch over your close ones. My Prayers go out to all of his family. Johnie, go play the game you love forever."

Thank you.
I love you sweet Daddy.
You'll always be the king of the castle. 
And I'll always be your dirty rascal.
Gosh, I miss you already.


  1. What a beautiful tribute to your father Kendall. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Take care of yourself.

  2. Your words are absolutely beautiful Kenz. There will never be enough words to fully describe the man he is, but I feel you have done an excellent job. He will forever be remembered and an inspiration in my life for the courage and strength he always carried with him.

  3. Wow is all I can say and hope that someday when my time comes my daughter will have these kinds of feelings and word to describe me. Your Dad and I were friends for years and I am so glad I got to have lunch with him and go to the driving range and hit balls.He was the kind of man that those around him became better people just from knowing him. I will always admire his courage,miss his smile and will be grateful always for his friendship
