Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day Four Hundred and Nineteen

The Reluctant Plans

We've all learned too much in the past two days. Before my dad, none of us 5 kids were ever involved in any type of funeral planning. Thankfully. Because it's not pretty. It's not fun. And it's definitely not easy on your emotions. Three of the five kids, along with my grandmother, aunt, and cousin, arrived at Spokane Cremation with a bit of reluctance and heavy, heavy hearts. Somewhere in that building, my dad was resting. And while we chose between urns and funeral plans, reality quickly escaped me. Certainly I'd wake up. Right? No. This is what life looks like now. This is my new reality. And with that comes so many decisions.

To honor my father's wishes, he will be cremated and placed in the perfect Johnie urn. It's blue and green and looks just like him. If we've agreed on anything unanimously thus far, that's been it. 

Fortunately, we'll only have to visit this funeral home a couple more times in the next week. I don't really like the "feel" of the place. It's cold, small, and reminds me of a dental office. To us, it just didn't seem like a place to celebrate someone we love deeply. So, we've decided to host his funeral at The Davenport Hotel. It's scheduled for 1:00 PM, Monday, November 12, 2012 in the Pennington Ballroom. And we'd love it if you'd come and celebrate his life with us. 

After such a rough day, Aunt Holly planned a family game night. And thank goodness she did. We all needed some good laughs, and Apples to Apples provided us plenty. They always say that the cards you end up with are supposed to define the person you are. This is Adam's hand. Sounds like a winner, right?! Ha!!

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