Friday, May 18, 2012

Day Two Hundred and Fifty-One

The FireCRACKers

No explanation could ever do this justice. But allow me to at least try. 

Every Friday and Saturday night, the Hoppers conclude the games with impressive firework shows. Every other time I've watched the display, I've been sitting with Bob in his box seats out in left field. Not tonight. A gentle wind kicked up and for safety purposes, we were made to move under the stadium concourse roof. Our original view under the roof was a dismal one; we couldn't even see the fireworks explode. Upset and saddened, the girls and I craned our necks around the many fans standing in front of us, but still couldn't get a decent look. Then Bob, from about 50 feet away innocently yelled to me, "Kendall, I found a great spot to watch from! Hurry!" I ran over there, and sure enough, the view left me speechless. Mostly because I couldn't breathe from laughing so hard! FireCRACKers at their finest! I died. Immediately, I turned my head and ducked in horror. Then the gasping laughs came. Bob was unsure of what was going, and then finally, he saw exactly what he had done. He followed in suit, ducked, ran, and stood in a corner of the concourse laughing wildly. Originally, I had thought he was playing a joke on me, but just like any man, they never seem to be able to recognize their surroundings, even when they're staring them right in the face.

Speaking of crack...the kettle corn sold at the park is addictive. I'm hooked.

In other news, Morgan, my littlest sister, is playing in the NWACC softball playoffs this weekend. Like a boss, she jacked a homerun over the centerfield wall in her first game. Stud. We're so proud of her and all she's accomplished in her first year of college.

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