The Best Part of Waking Up...
A little pumpkin CHEESECAKE FILLED French toast with some visiting friends to start off our Thursday. Don’t even for a second try to judge me. This was the best “breakfast” I’ve ever tasted in my life and I don’t even care how many calories it took to down the whole plate. Good food, good company, and (mostly) good kids. A sure turn of events from the day before ;)

We really did enjoy yesterday more than the day before. I had a lot of time to reflect and kill sin in my heart and I’m thankful it was exposed in greater form.
These babes are just so precious to me and even though some of the days are long and hard, I absolutely have choices to make during them which will either make them easier and more joyful or even harder and far less enjoyable. I must own the fact that I have the ability to make faithful, God-honoring decisions in the midst of seemingly disorganized chaos and do it both consistently and well. Be praying for me.

Let’s see...
We have here a LEGO pod racer, created by the seven year old mastermind of the house.

Pretty good at LEGOS, I’d say. And getting much better at coordination too! Bearett loves his ninja class and we’re thankful because honest to goodness, the boy needs some flexibility, balance, and body awareness, all of which he lacks in great quantities (ha!) but is growing in through this class!

Amelia on the other hand, is advanced in most of the areas Bub lacks, but she’s much more timid and a lot more dainty. She’s toughening up in gymnastics and is really starting to put it all together.

However, we’ve still got a ways to go (ha!), as she’s still only 5 and remembering 4 new routines correctly is hard work!

The best part of my day.
I crazy love these people. Goodness gracious, they’re the best.
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