The COVID Chronicles: Conley Life Essentials
On my “must haves” for an in-season rental—right up there with the essentials—is that the home has a pool. It’s non-negotiable, at this point, really.

And I’ve never been more thankful for my unusual rental demand! Truly, we’re well. We have a saltwater pool, a back yard big enough to move around in, lots of privacy, and a patch of grass big enough for our new tiny puppy.

Add in a little chalk, sunglasses, and lunch,

well, I’d say that’s pretty much livin the life!
Kate agrees.
Louie too!

Thanks for all the kindness, support, generosity, and care shown to us this past week. It’s near to my heart and we’re so grateful for the many texts and calls of concern and encouragement.

And just to remind y’ can take the Fish out of the pond, but you can’t take the pond out of the Fish!
Go Marlins!
Daddy can’t wait to get back out there!
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