The COVID Chronicles: Daddy Goes Out Front
So, adding more bizarre things to 2020: Bitsy the Cow prefers laying on piles of LEGOs. Why not, right?

Why not is right.

In other news—still maintaining a similar degree of bizarre—our kids can’t go to gymnastics because of their COVID positive Daddy. So, we sorta try to do it ourselves around here. The pool is their perimeter, and their mom is their coach, yelling and clapping “High knees! Frog jumps! Bunny hops! Soldier walks!” Mom for a coach ain’t so bad, right guys?!

How long will this continue, you might ask?
Well, Adam still has zero symptoms.
And yet, his every-other-day testing continues to return positive. To be cleared to play, he must consecutively test negative twice, with 24 hours in between. So, we keep doing push-ups. At home. And we do them so much, Molly’s even getting good at them and she’s not even in a gymnastics class!

It’s been officially ten days since Adam contracted the virus, so yesterday—after scouring the CDC website for “proper” quarantine guidelines, we finally decided that he’s allowed out FRONT of the house instead of confined to only the backyard (of course, no spectators, passerby-ers, bikers, or any other kind of “ers” were given 6 foot access to him over the duration of this practice). Feels as if we have to treat him like he’s a Walking Dead zombie or something, gracious. ANYWAYS, since we can’t go anywhere, we purchased another net for him to throw bullpens into. It’s wonky and unprofessional, but considering all things, I’d say we’ve still got it pretty good around here. Hey, at this rate, anything is better than being cooped up in a hotel room!
He’s doing what he can with what he has in order to remain a faithful employee of the Marlins and will continue his work, however long it takes. For now, we’re definitely counting this as a blessing to our family, as yet again, the Lord has chosen to give us more unexpected time with Daddy and that, my friends, is ALWAYS something to be thankful for.
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