The Conley Quarantine: Day 33
While Daddy and Bubba were busy doing their scheduled Monday man date in Jupiter, hitting and pitching at a small local facility...
...the girls had a girl date at home. And this time, Amelia took it upon herself to age about ten years right before my eyes. “Mommy, may I please change Molly ALL by myself?”

“Mommy look! I can carry my baby anywhere I want!”

“Mommy, while I mop with the big mop, can you give my sisters spray to wash the floor with me?”

“Mommy, I set up our lunch table. I’m teaching Ella Mae how strong God is. He could even lift up that heavy umbrella base!”

“Mommy, can I do my eyebrows?”
Aaaaaaand, this is when the reminder came that she’s still only just turned five. Ha! Oh my sweet MillieGirl, you make me all sorts of happy. But seriously, even though you got your eyebrows pretty much exactly in place, I think maybe just stick to five year old, natural beauty you please!
Once reunited from our separate dates, the six of us loaded up, went property searching, and finally ended our day with fellowship at a little country farm.

We got to feed lizards to chickens, swing on a gigantic tree swing, eat supper on a twinkle-lit deck, watch red birds feed, play in the dirt, spotlight a camouflaged owl in his tree,

and hang with cows! This all while enjoying the sweet company of some of our dearest people. Oh, what fun❤️

And by the time we got home and into bed, ten o’clock had passed us on by and this is exactly how everyone felt. The Lord is so kind to us. Good day. Goodnight.
And by the time we got home and into bed, ten o’clock had passed us on by and this is exactly how everyone felt. The Lord is so kind to us. Good day. Goodnight.
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