Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Day 2,198

The Exhausted Mom

Lego family. Because: I had to. 

Yesterday, the kids made every single mess they could, gave me every bit of grief they owned, and by night's end, had me about to my breaking point. Good thing Dad's game only went into one extra inning and came home in the nick of time. And good thing too that these babes are irresistibly adorable. 

If I could've just had someone carry me around like this all day - or at least even for an hour - my sanity may have remained in tact. They oughta invent a grown up version. 

I got a small break at nap time. Only, Amelia decided half way through that my lap was actually a better pillow than the one on her bed, so my alone time was too, cut short. Good thing I can read, write, and act as a pillow quietly and still achieve my goal of sanity preservation. Daily time in the Word provides me just that. Thank you, Jesus. 

Then, just like we do every night when he's not home, we made our 6:30 Dada call and got all fired back up for the evening hours. He's our best. We can't wait to have him home. 

And then, packing began. I can't count on one hand how many times I've done this this year. Looking forward to using an actual dresser at some point. This mama is absolutely, incredibly exhausted. Can ya tell?!!

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