Monday, September 4, 2017

Day 2,182

The ISR Babes

Little Sis and Big Pa are smiling BIG TIME. One, because they just love each other. But two, because this:

BEARETT LEARNED HOW TO JUMP INTO THE POOL AND SWIM-FLOAT-SWIM ALL BY HIMSELF!!!! Just like Mrs. Gina taught Amelia!! It only took him parts of three weeks to get it down, and we are infinitely proud of him!!!

Amelia is jumping in all alone now too! Ah! Such a relief! Such a treasured skill. 

Bearett was a little apprehensive at first...

But once he got the hang of it, there was no stopping him. He's so much more relaxed and confident in the water now and it seriously puts me at such ease. I remember the first day I took him into the pool at our house. Fear gripped him. He held onto me like superglue and cried when I had him lay on his back. What a quick learner he is!! I'm so encouraged by his trust in us and impressed at his quick progress. 

Happy Florida babes! And two VERY happy Florida parents. So thankful for Mrs. Gina and the lifesaving skills she taught Amelia that I have now been able to teach Bearett. 

Love them forever. 

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