Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Day 2,177

There's So Much More to Do with Two (Toddlers)

We've got a pretty solid routine down right now. We all wake up together, eat, have quiet time while Ella Mae takes her early morning cat nap, and then we play. Lots. Yesterday while Ella Mae napped and I did my Bible studying, Bearett snuggled up next to us with Amelia's Bible and said he wanted to study to Ella Mae. He is just too sweet for words. 

And she is just too cute for words! Ah! Can't get enough of her. So crazy about this baby. We took a risk and headed to the beach yesterday. With two toddlers and an infant, the beach is my version of mommy-insanity, BUT, it was actually quite nice! The kids all loved it and nobody melted. The sand is always an issue upon leaving, but sometimes the hassle is worth the fun. 

They weren't wild about the waves at first, but by the end, they were not excited to leave. Looks like Mama got herself a couple of beach babes!

After nap time, we made smoothies and headed down to thelittle grassy area at our condo, where we put our new bats and balls to the rest. 

Turns out, Bearett's a switch hitting natural. Kid can smack the ball any way you tee him up! Amelia. Well, she has other strong suits. Baseball is not one of them. 

Our tough guy got knocked around a little, but even with blood dripping from his mouth, he still insisted on practicing his swing. Gotta love rough and tough boys!

We then made an unplanned visit - for the second time - to the pool. 

They swam for about an hour before the bugs about bit me to death and I called it a night. Bearett is now able to float then swim and yesterday, he ALMOST got his swim to float then down as well. That was, before Amelia decided to poop in her pants in the pool. Gah. 

Our day winds down with supper, the game, pjs, and more quiet time. Just as I was turning off the game, Daddy popped up and the kiddies ran to the tv to give him some loves. They sure miss him. I do too. But not for long!

In other news, Ella Mae can now officially turn over both ways! Weeeeeeee! She's the best. 

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