Friday, August 11, 2017

Day 2,157

The Victory in His Eleventh Start

"There were three in the bed and the little one said 'roll over, roll over!'"

This is the only photo I took yesterday, in all its fullness. It was one of my main moments of victory...and being that it came with an extra dose of cuteness, I grabbed my phone. They're all just so sweet. Especially when they sleep! I also claimed victory over only being 6 minutes late to church (with three kids alone and during naptime) and sitting under a faithful pastor - in person - who preached God's word clearly. I've grown so much in my faith over the past six months, that for the first time in my marriage, I missed Adam's game. I missed Adam's game because being under solid Biblical counsel IS more important than the alternative. I'm learning that baseball is a bad god and that I serve a MUCH greater God, who's desires are for me to find my contentment, my joy, and my dependency in Him. And I'm beginning to truly see the freedom in that truth. Adam's game began during Pastor's sermon and though I thought I'd struggle to keep my attention focused, I had no such trouble.  So, my last claim to victory yesterday came in lessening the grip baseball has grabbed hold of me with and trusting that being overly consumed with anything other than Christ is folly. 

I spoke with Adam following his game, and though the results would suggest that he was not in fact, victorious, he'd disagree. He felt better than he has all year, threw the ball harder, and found momentum that he's not had. The results just didn't display that truth. He's encouraged by the direction he's headed in baseball. And he's even more encouraged by the direction we're headed in our faith. 

5IP, 11H, 5R, 3BB, 4K
9 of 11 hits came with two strikes and we ended up losing 10-1. 

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