Thursday, March 26, 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety-One

The Stay-at-Home Team

Grandpa's here!!
I got to hang out with him lots before he headed to Daddy's baseball game in Port St. Lucie yesterday. I wasn't allowed to go, even though me and Mommy really wanted to. Dad said I was too tired still and that the sun would be too hot. I know he's just looking out for me, but c'mon know how much we HATE missing games! At least you did good though! Maybe Grandpa is your good luck charm? Or maybe I'm just your bad luck charm? Nooooooo :(

You threw 4 innings and gave up one hit. I heard that you struck out a few and walked one (bad Dada!). You didn't give up any runs though and apparently all your pitches were working well...even your slider! Yay! We need that slider!

And just like Mr. Josh Martin said one time about you, Dad:
We pray for a clean heart and a dirty slider.

I think all our prayers must be working!

So yeah, while Dad and Pop were out at the field throwing things and running around, me and Mom just hung out at home. It was a good break. I needed it. I think Mommy did too. She's been doing great, but she was pretty tired yesterday. We scrubbed around in sweats and blankets and didn't do our hairs or makeups. Well, I can't wear makeup yet, but I like to watch Mama do hers. I just adore her. She tells me all the time how much she loves being my mommy and that I'm a good girl. I try to be. Mostly I like to sleep and eat. A LOT. Oh my goodness, I LOVE to eat! It's my favorite thing. Mom says that it's hers too. She really likes breastfeeding. I'm glad she does...even in the really early morning when I know she's tired and I'm stealing her sleep. She says she doesn't mind, so that's good, otherwise I'd feel bad. It's just that my tummy is so tiny right now and since I poop a lot, I need to eat and eat at least every 2-3 hours or else I'll be starving!

Another thing I need a lot is my fingernails clipped. They always grow so fast and because I sometimes scratch my face on accident, so Mommy keeps a close eye on them. I think she's the best. We're such a great team and I'm glad she's the one I get to cuddle every day. She's cozy. She tries her best to give me everything I need, and what she can't give me, Daddy can! I love my family!!