Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety

The Bright Sleepy Eyed Beauty 

We took a break from life yesterday.
Just me and my girl.
It was a much needed time off.
Amelia was an exhausted grumpy-poo the day before.
She wasn't getting her beauty sleep and we all know what that means.
Tired baby, tired Mama.
And to top it off, this horrible mother somehow overlooked the fact that baby skin can apparently get sunburned while sitting under the shade of a tree? Yeah. Parenting Lesson #725. WHAT?! I've NEVER heard of something so ridiculous, but sure enough, the other day at the field, Millie got her first mild sunburn. And I felt like a child abuser. 
It was terrible. 
Who burns their 25-day-old? :(
Gosh, sometimes, being a mommy is hard...even when you think you're doing all the right things.
I was slightly depressed by it, but Amelia didn't seem to mind - thankfully.

And so, we stayed home, hung out, slept, and took lots of's our anti-depressant of sorts.  

She makes me laugh...

...really hard.

She makes me wonder... never before.

She makes me love... I didn't know I could.

You're wonderful, my Amelia.
And you're such a good baby.
Thanks for trying to keep up with me. You're doing great! Even when you're tired.


  1. Great pix. She is so stinkin' cute. Can't wait to meet Miss Millie and hug her Mommy. Love you guys!

  2. Great pix. She is so stinkin' cute. Can't wait to meet Miss Millie and hug her Mommy. Love you guys!

  3. What entertainment! Such a cutie pie! Glad you're both getting your rest!
