Saturday, June 8, 2013

Day Six Hundred and Thirty-Five

 The Twelfth Start
The Luiz Family
(And My First Away Game!)

Well hellooooo Birmingham! You're quite beautiful...just like my husband's outing last night! ;) Adam put on a show for all at the park in 6 innings of 1-run baseball in his twelfth start of the 2013 season. The Suns followed suit, scoring 11 runs and winning the ballgame. YES! His line:
6IP, 7H, 1R, 1ER, 0BB, 8K

And three of those Ks came in the 6th when he struck out the side. I was one happy (and loud) wife!!

And this concession stand just made me even happier. Healthy Hits?! Grilled chicken? Fresh veggies?! Are you kidding me! THANK YOU BIRMINGHAM!

I think it could be that Adam was trying his hardest to show off last night. I could be wrong...but I don't think so. Meet TJ and Rachel. You met their mom, Debbie the other night. These "kids" were Adam's host brother and sister while he was in New Hampshire during the summer of his freshman year...playing baseball in the NECBL league. Now, they live in Tuscaloosa...only an hour away from Birmingham!

 The whole family reunited! 
Here's a fun fact: the Luiz family (Adam included) lived on Kendall Street that year! I was apart of the family before I even knew Adam existed!! So fun.

Our much anticipated destination was dinner at Cheesecake Factory.
But their car was in protest to our hungry tummies.
It was I waved a man down and he served as our rescue.
It was 11:45 PM by then. And when we finally got to the Cheesecake Factory - at midnight - we ate as much as we could.

And then it was time to leave. But the car was in protest once again. Dead as a doorknob. So? We made a 1:30 AM run to Wal Mart. 

They bought a battery.
We bought jumper cables.
Thumbs up indeed.

While Tony worked on installing the battery, TJ took Adam for a ride in the truck...only the 4th person besides Adam and I to drive that thing. He must be special! ;)

Tony working away. This might not have been our ideal way to spend the evening together, but actually, I thought it sweet. And really funny. These people are absolutely wonderful. And I can only hope that one day, my family is as close and connected as the Luizs are.

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