Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day Four Hundred and Ninety-Two

The Paleo Girl, The Raptor Milestone, The Belated Gifts

You're looking at a grocery cart (minus Adam's back right section) fit for a caveman. Or rather, a cavewoman. My Crossfit gym is challenging its athletes to a 9 week diet - The Paleo Diet. Ooooh...sounds prehistoric. Well, that's because it is. In its simplest form: if a caveman couldn't eat it, neither can you. That means breads are out. Rice is out. Dairy is out. All processed foods are out. No legumes. No dressings. No sauces. No juice. No sugar. No candy. No cookies. Unless, you use ingredients that a caveman could've used. And you bet, I've scoured Pinterest for such recipes. Because this girl has an evil sweet tooth that craves attention...
I started this diet yesterday. And I was miserable. With a house full of chips, Oreos, peanut butter, pizzas, noodles, cheeses, pretzels, breads, and anything else to fatten a grown man, this diet seemed impossible. I opened the fridge 20 times. Nothing changed. Still the same food. And still nothing to eat. But that was before the shopping trip. Now, I've got plenty to eat. And it's not so miserable after all.

 Cavewoman Vs. FatMan Dinner
(Please excuse the dining table mess!)

 Onto other things:
Yesterday marked 20,000 miles on our truck! We purchased it on October 17, 2011 - just 15 months ago - and in all those miles, it's seen 8 states, been hit twice, towed two UHauls, lived at three apartments, and guzzled away all my money. He's rescued 4 incoherent drunk strangers, was duped by a war veteran hitch hiking imposter, and only three people have ever sat in his driver's seat. The best thing though: he still smells the exact same as the day we bought him!

Totally unrelated and a lot belated:
My family and friends all finally opened up their Christmas presents from Adam and I. It took a huge amount of time to craft these little creations, and I've been looking forward to sharing their finished result! So, without further adieu:

Personalized mugs! This is the front of each of them.

And this is the back.

I made these for my Harry Potter fanatic friend.

So fun!

An ornament Snitch for another HP fan.

A mug for my diabetic sissy.

And another one!

The middle two were made and given to my grandparents, who's song is "Diamond Girl," by Seals and Crofts.

The word radiant was actually re-written in gold, as was the shine in the previous photo. 

For my Mommy, I painted a large "W" red and finished it off with rolled up paper torn from "The Shack," by WM Paul Young. 

We made a few more gifts, but I forgot to take pictures of them. I'm really happy with how they turned out as well and plan on having Mom take a picture of hers so I can post it too!

Finally, I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed making the mugs. So much, in fact, that I'd love to make more. I'd just need some people to personalize them for...and maybe a fun little saying to write too. Hint hint :)

And this one is for my sisters, Mom, Dan, and Grama. Ha!


  1. Ahahaha! I live everything about your living and generous spirit! Kisses From Mommie Whale.....

  2. Love your gift mugs, so adorable, loved the Christmas card too! You two are amazing! Adam's blog on Coach Todd was very heartfelt. Also loved seeing you wearing your dad's shirt, so sweet, tears in my eyes on both of those posts. You continue to make me smile, cry, laugh and be inspired.

  3. We loved our SNITCH! And our "J" - Can't wait to have it somewhere radiant in the home we buy! ;)

  4. Mommy: You're too sweet...I love you and miss you as much as there freckles on Ellie's arm! :) Kisses from KenziShark!
    Rhonda: Thank you so much for your continued support and precious words. I find such joy in your responses and reactions to the little crazy life we're living. As much as I make you smile, you do the same for me.
    Suey: Yay!! That little Snitch gave me quite the trouble, so I'm glad you love it! The J is my favorite because we have a matching C! Love you!
