Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day Four Hundred and Ninety-Four

The Infected Remains

We were convinced that the wart removal acid had done its job. Two weeks ago, the podiatrist instructed Adam to apply the acid every night, which he did religiously - never missing a night. The ball of his foot turned ghost white and skin began to peel and fall off (it gets grosser, so if you have an uneasy stomach, maybe skip the rest of this paragraph). Four days ago, Adam took a pair of tweezers and began digging. He removed all the dead skin and then started on the actual wart. With a grimace and a few "Ahhhh"s he pulled out all the "seeds." It was painful, but he wanted it gone. And he thought it was. But yesterday, Dr. Podiatrist told us otherwise. It's still there. And he still needs more acid. Adam was also instructed to continue peeling away the dead skin and getting at the wart as best he can. He's really bummed about this new information, as he'd really like to put this whole mess behind him. Thankfully, the wart is much smaller now and Adam isn't walking on a pebble anymore. Just on a really sore foot :(

 Hi, my name is Kendall Mays. Wait. No. What?
Adam and I were not happy with my mistake yesterday. I was reduced to his girlfriend, and that, my friends, is not okay.  I blame it on Crossfit. They make me do hanging knee-ups and I can't do them with my ring on. So, I take it off before workout, and normally, I just put it back on when I'm done. Like clockwork. But then I got to talking...and talking...and soon enough, my routine was ruined. Totally forgetting about my ring, I went to the car wash, the grocery store, and the doctor's office without visible proof (to others) that I was taken. Seriously lame.

The pharmacist at Publix even commented, "Adam, your GIRLFRIEND doesn't want a flu shot?" I looked at my husband in horror. The pharmacist could obviously see Adam's what did he think of me? Some on-the-side girlfriend? Gosh...what a nightmare. So sorry Honey :(

And for the record, my name is Kendall CONLEY...I didn't put in all this work to be called Mays, thank you very much. Haha :)

My husband got a hold of my Paleo food record "diary." Love him.

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