Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day Four Hundred and Eighty

The Infected

I did not marry Adam for his feet. His toes are as long as my fingers (seriously creepy), baseball has given him bunions, and his knuckles look like poorly constructed snowmen. He even freely admits that no one deserves to have feet like this. They do, however, look great in a pair of socks...

But even with sub-par feet that attract an abnormally large amount of lint, I do love them. Often, I stand on those size 13s and dance around the apartment on them. They're responsible for keeping my toes warm at night and make the best footprints to follow in the sand. His paddles are really quite charming given their slighted appearance. But now, his right foot has become a health hazard...enter: plantar wart.

It's taken me an entire week to convince Adam that the thing on the bottom of his foot NEEDS to come off. And being that I'm the wife, I won the argument ;) The podiatrist confirmed my suspicion. It is indeed a wart and one that will only get worse if left untreated. So, he shaved it down and applied acid. Now, it's Adam's job to apply acid once a day until the very contagious virus is murdered.

As if the wart wasn't bad enough...Adam's made several comments on this obnoxious odor in his nose. Well Adam, did you toot and forget so? No Kendall, I did not toot. I did not step in dog doo. And I flushed the toilet...

Then I smelt his nose-breath. And sure enough, it was foul. Really foul. At that point, I called my Mommy...she'd have the answer. Her diagnosis: a sinus infection. She was right (5 kids will do that to you!). Adam has "acute sinusitis," and was prescribed a relatively strong antibiotic. Along with the acid application on his foot, he was told to flush his sinuses twice a day with a bottle of "Sinus Rinse." And it looks really funny when he does it.

How my healthy (super healthy, actually) husband ended up with these slight ailments, we're not sure...but I wasn't about to have him go into spring training infected. And thankfully, I got my way! What's it about men and not wanting to go to the doctor anyways?!

And ok...I'll have to poke fun at my sweet Adam once more:
The doctor told Adam that he'd be inserting a long black tube-camera into Adam's nose to check out his sinuses. He also added that Adam would need to breathe out of his mouth for this procedure. So, Adam OPENED his mouth REAL WIDE and breathed as if he were strapped down to a dental chair. And the two of us still can't figure out, whatsoever, why this was necessary? You realize you could have just breathed normally, right Adam? Yes Kendall, I do now. But at the time I had a flippin hose down my nose and wasn't exactly thinking straight. 
Hahahahahaha :) 


  1. So, I just read this to Aunt Kelly and she started cry-laughing. Poor Adam, taking pictures of him while he is in such a vulnerable position! Good Adam!!

  2. Hahahahaha!! I know, poor Adam...! Now I'm nervous for the retaliation that's sure to come my way! :) Eeeeek! Love you guys! And cute Christmas card!!
