Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day Four Hundred and Eighty-Seven

The Everyday Wednesday

Adam got arrested.
Ok, no he didn't.
And that wouldn't be funny either.
We got lost and saw a policeman. He admired Adam's truck and then gave us directions.

To here. One of the worst places on the planet. Only yesterday, the tax collector/DMV wasn't so bad after all! Next time you get your tabs or license renewal, or any other driving-related documents, arrive ten minutes till close on a Wednesday. Maybe that's the trick to those terrible lines. It only took us 30 minutes to get new tags for the truck! (He's been illegal for the past 10 days. Oops)

 I'll forever be a sunset girl. And though the East Coast of Florida doesn't get much for setting skies, the drive to Wal Mart wasn't too bad yesterday. Whatever bad mood I was in before this, it was forgotten immediately.

From Wal Mart, to Publix, to the Vitamin Shoppe, and back home, Adam and I were spent. We said we only needed a few groceries. This is what we ended up with. A fridge stocked for 4. Adam is eating outrageous calories still and has only 2 more pounds to gain until he's 215. THAT'S THIRTY POUNDS IN 16 MONTHS. Wahoo! Must be hard, right? *Rolling my eyes.* He complains all the time about how much it sucks to eat all those pizzas and PB&Js and cinnamon rolls and biscuits with gravy and bacon ciabattas and chili dogs and and and! Oh please! I take one bite of any of those and my butt jiggles for a week! UGH! It's not fair!
And don't even ask me how much money just one pound costs. Because I don't know. And I hope I never know. But mmmmm...that chocolate milk looks good right now. Too bad one 16 oz glass is 420 calories. That's like 500 burpees. I'll pass.

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