Friday, January 11, 2013

Day Four Hundred and Eighty-Eight

The Sugar Ants Takedown

See those little tiny specs on Adam's breakfast plate that he didn't clear? This picture is precisely why you eat all your food in Florida. Because if you don't, sugar ants will. We've battled these stupid bugs since moving into this apartment, but we always have the upperhand. Normally, we make sure the kitchen is extra clean - all food put away. No leftovers, no ants. But yesterday, Adam was running late and I didn't realize his mistake. While I worked on a project all morning, the ants worked on his plate.

Continuing the lameness of our day, we de-Christmatized (<---made up word) our home. I pouted the whole time, but our tree was long gone dead and it was becoming a nuisance to clean up after. Adam wasn't very happy either. Not because we had to take it all down, but because I increased our Christmas storage from one bin to two this year. What can I say? I love Christmas. And if that means hauling one extra bin of holiday cheer around the country, then so be it! So long Christmas...see you in 11 months!

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