Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day Two Hundred and Seventy-Six

The Plastic Bins and Surprise Guests

This is what my husband looked like at 2 o'clock this morning. Beer in hand, backwards hat, and packing up the remnants of our life at Madison Woods Apartments. He decided last night that the best thing we could do for our marriage at this point was to move out of our current living situation. And so, he packed. Until 3 AM.

When we woke up, it was more packing for the Conley duo. I haven't seen Adam more determined in his entire life. Ok, that's a complete lie. But he was definitely on task, and constantly asking what he could do "next." We got all of our things packed up in less than 3 hours. Pretty good. 

And then my man left me. With an apartment full of bins. So? Alejandra and I moved them. In the pouring rain. And it was cool. It's always cool when I'm with my sweet Uruguayan friend. I can't get over how wonderful she is. I'm a lucky girl. Really lucky. She hauled half of those bins up the stairs right alongside me. As if they were hers. I'm so thankful for Ale!

And Adam informed me that next time, maybe we won't bring as much stuff. I'll have to think about that. 

Our things will be boxed up for a little while until we find another place to stay. Fortunately, Alejandra and Jose were kind enough to let us park our things in their living room! Here we are after moving 25 pound bins in the pouring rain! Stinky and sweaty, but still managing smiles!

Look who Adam found!!!! Surprise!!! 
Damon and Malia made the 8-hour drive from Montgomery, Alabama to Greensboro today...a pitstop on their mission of cross country driving over the next few weeks. From Alabama to Washington! Adam was so happy to see two of his best friends. It's not often that familiar faces make an appearance on this side of the states, and it was quite the needed refreshment. Adam lights up whenever he's around Damon. And Malia is irreplaceable. They're wonderful people, and friends that will forever remain by our side. We love you two and are so happy you're here!!

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