Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day Two Hundred and Seventy-Four

The Ninth Month and Thirteenth Game

Nine months ago today, I married this most handsome man. Yes, his front side is just as handsome too! ;) I can say with confidence that these have been the best nine months of my entire life, and we're excited for so many more together. It's been a joy to watch Adam's transformation in his role as a husband, and I can only hope that I'm doing just as wonderful of a job as he is. I could say that I don't know how I got so lucky, but that would be a lie. I know exactly how I got this lucky, and I have only the Good Lord to thank for honoring me with such a sweet, strong, and dedicated gentleman. He's unlike any man I've ever met in my life. And I'm so thankful he's mine. 

Today was Adam's thirteenth start, and in celebration, Bob, Alejandra, Sheila, and Ed made me try my first pork rind. My best explanation: hot, spicy, crunchy air. Not much else to it. And no, I did not go back for seconds. I'll stick with my kettle corn, thank you very much! 

Adam pitched pretty standard today. Always impressive. But as he would say, "80% of the time, you have average stuff. 10% of the time, your stuff is terrible. 10% of the time, you're lights out." Today, I'd say he fit into the 80% category. He agreed. Especially after leaving a 94 MPH fastball middle and seeing it smacked over the fence for a 2-run homer. Whoops. He still wishes he could have that one pitch back! Other than that, though, he was wonderful:
7 H, 2 ER, 1 BB, 5 K, and the W. His ERA is 2.60 as of tonight.  

Following the game, some sweet folks from the booster club made us a nice home-cooked BBQ meal, complete with all the Southern fixings. Gosh, we can't get enough of the people here in Greensboro. They've truly wrapped their arms around us and taken us in like family. They've each been such a blessing to us, and we're so thankful for their hospitality and love. We're a bunch of lucky kids out here!

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