Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day Two Hundred and Eighty-Four

The Head Scratch-er

       It's Adam again, Kendall could be writing the blog, however, due to the toll the last few weeks have taken on her we(I) decided it best she just go to sleep. Kendall and I were driving back the Charleston, NC last night/this morning, and she had to write her blog. There isn't any internet in my truck obviously, so she had to write what she could on her laptop, and use public WiFi along the way when we stopped to upload her pictures, and post what she had written about the day. When we pulled over to use WiFi from a Sleep Inn, the "accept these terms and conditions page" froze her computer and she lost everything. Crying Kendall. Mad Adam. 

         That is a flat tire. This picture was taken sometime around 5AM this morning. If you asked the question "why did you get up at 5AM, and how did your tire go flat?" you would be asking a question that was wrong for two reasons. Firstly, we did not get up at 5AM, we had yet to fall asleep at all. I decided that it was better to drive home from the All-star game late and get to sleep in before packing the next day, than to spend another night in a hotel room, and have to get up early, drive five hours, then pack everything. Secondly, we were way to delirious and exhausted to answer any questions.

          Jose called AAA long before we made it to the dimly lit closed Shell gas station they were stuck at. It wasn't for another hour and 15 minutes before they would get there unfortunately.Stopping at the Sleep Inn to upload the original blog held Kendall and I back for about half an hour. So when Jose informed us what had happened, it took a little while to arrive. AAA made sure we got there before they did. Jose told me when they expected the AAA agent to arrive, I suggested " let's call a local police department and they can get us in contact with a dispatcher. The dispatcher can locate an officer or two in the area to come swap the tire out for us." We finally got a hold of the sheriffs department and they sent an officer our way.The officer pulled up cautiously and approached us all asking if we had a AAA agent coming, we said yes and mentioned that we still had a ways to drive, and needed to hit the road. He said he couldn't help us with the tire and told us to wait for the AAA agent. A Washington State Patrolman would have changed the tire in a second by the way. Anyways after all that, and almost a 2 hour delay, we hit the road and arrived in Greensboro, NC just past 6AM. Slept in until 2PM.

          Then we started packing. You can see all of our bins outside the door while Jose and Wilfredo play MLB The Show 2K10. We packed up and are now ready for our trip back south to Jupiter, FL. My only response to all this while I scratch my head...asking why these things happen right when we need the most patience and grace for one another, is "I have a flight tomorrow morning to Jupiter that leaves before I went to bed yesterday."

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