Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day Two Hundred and Eighty-Five

The Jupiter Raptor Club (No Boys Allowed!)

We look intimidating, I know. Big strong tough girls with an agenda. Make no mistake, we may be nice ladies, but we can drive a mean truck! And we can drive it far too. Like, 12 hours far. Without crashing, without panicking, without raging. More? We know how to set cruise control while talking on the phone, dancing, singing, texting, lane changing, drinking, and chewing gum. Oh, and we mustn't forget the camera that remains in hand the entire time. I don't know a single guy that can do that. So next time you make a remark along the lines of, "women drivers" while rolling your eyes, think of me. Think of Ale. Because I'll bet you a dollar that we could crush any man in a game of, "drive 700 miles straight in a vehicle 58 billion times bigger than you." So there. High five, Ale, for being a stud ;) 

(Disclaimer: it's late, I'm tired and really, really ornery.)

Action shot! Our little 3-car caravan (Alejandra in red, Maritza in silver, me in black) drove from Greensboro, North Carolina to Jupiter, Florida today without any complications other than overactive bladders and sleepy eyes. This morning came quickly, as our 4:30 AM wake up call only afforded us 4 hours of sleep. The boys had a flight to catch at 6 and had to be at the airport at 5. We dropped them off...and the rest, well, it's history. And I'd like to keep it that way! No more 12 hour drives alone for me please! I'll put up with the 3 1/2 one to Jacksonville, but I'd just rather do the 1 1/2 to Miami ;) Just saying. 

We made it until eleven o'clock before the weights on our eyes shut us down. We parked in a rest area for an hour and caught up on some shut eye. If not for that hour, I might not have posted my blog tonight...and we all know what that means. (See Mom and Grama, I do listen...when I'm tired, I rest. Because that's what you taught me.)

When I finally opened the door to my hotel room, I was pleasantly surprised. I thought this was the minor leagues?! A king bed with a desk, chair, and wet bar?! Ok! It makes me wonder what the rooms in the Bigs are like? Someday, maybe I'll give an update on that...

Two more things:
1) In 5 days, Adam and I have slept in 5 different beds.
-A special thank you goes out to Bob and Beth...your hospitality was GREATLY appreciated!! Miss y'all already.-
2) Adam was almost late to his first Hammerhead game today. In Greensboro, the games always begin at 7:05. Here, it's a 6:35 PM start time and he had no idea. The fine for being late? 100 bucks. He made it with 1 minute to spare! Whew!

We're tired and grumpy. Goodnight from Jupiter, FLORIDA!!!!!!

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