The Elusive Beanbag Beans
About a week ago, we received a much anticipated gift in the mail. My mom sent us an oversized, beautiful beanbag...minus the beans. The beanless bag's fabric was the basis for our recent selection of living room furniture, so finding the beans to fill it with is imperative to the feng shui of our home. Yes, feng shui. I think I'm worthy the term now that I'm all grown up and married...and stuff? Our search through FOUR different stores has proven unsuccessful, and tonight provided no change in result. Instead, we found filled beanbags, $30 a piece, and for a minute, I considered buying them all. But then I'd be stuck with 12 unfilled sacks and nowhere to put them. Plus, $360 for beans is just downright idiotic. In any case, even if we had bought a dozen of them, I'd be stuck with a permanent oversized baseball in my living room; there's no way he would have let me commit such injustice. So, fearing the misfortunes of imbalanced feng shui, I gave Adam his five seconds on the prized baseball beanbag and quickly walked away. JoAnne Fabrics is next on the list, and if we're again unsuccessful, I might just take some scissors to our Tempur-Pedic mattress.
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