Monday, October 10, 2011

Day Thirty

The First Month

The past thirty days have been some of the best I can remember. The freedom and peace that marriage brings was something I never understood before, and although we're "new at this," nothing has ever felt so natural. We're two kids, crazy about Jesus, crazy about each other, and crazy about the memories we're making. And it just works. Really well. 

To celebrate our first month of marriage, Adam did a good thing. He's come to realize that if my sweet tooth is satisfied, then I'm the happiest girl in the world. When the frozen chocolate chips ran out a week ago, he brought home ice cream cones. After the last one went into his belly today, he knew he was in trouble. So, we went for an evening walk and ended up at Red Mango, where only the best kind of treat is kept. Frozen yogurt is the way to my heart, and Adam grabbed it tonight. As an added touch, we enjoyed a warm, humid lightening storm on the way home. The sky was our theater, and we were in awe. He held me close, and we talked about life, and God, and the intricacies of creation. About love, family, plans, and blessings. I'm so grateful to have Adam as my husband. 

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