Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day Thirty-Two

The Trunk or Treat Postings

A 1998 faded seaweed green minivan with 285,000+ miles on it pulled up to our home today. "Can't be Jimmy," we thought! But indeed it was our campus pastor, picking us up for a day of poster hangings coupled with a most delicious lunch. Nursing the last bit of use out of his Ford Beauty, we helped navigate our new friend through a dozen or so developments that surround our Abacoa neighborhood. The mission: hang as many posters as possible. The event: Trunk or Treat 2011. Annually, an assortment of cars drive into Roger Dean Stadium with trunks decorated and overflowing with Halloween candy. As a safer and easier alternative to door-to-door trick-or-treating, this event brings much anticipation and excitement from the families in our city. Add in bouncy houses, cotton candy, crazy games, costumes and music, and you have yourself a child's dream holiday. We've yet to experience anything like this, but we're definitely looking forward to October 30th when it all comes together. Our job today of hanging posters was a small piece of the big picture, and even so, we were more than excited to help. 
 I can't get enough of this place. Jupiter is incredible. 

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