Friday, January 31, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Seventy-Two

The Definition of Cute

Cute /kyut/
Looking and acting exactly like Hunter and Bearett

They eat cute.

They cuddle cute.

They love cute.

They giggle cute.

They play cute.

Doesn't get much better (or cuter) than that!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Seventy-One

The Way I See It

Hi guys.
My name's Bearett. Some people call me Bear. Or Little Bear. Or Honey Bear. Or, well mostly anything that has to do with a Bear. And that's my auntie Ellie.
She's really pretty. And really tough too. She had a surgery on Tuesday. It was called a Tibia Tubercle Transfer. I guess Auntue was born with a knee that just kept popping out of place, so the doctors had to  make her feel better. Only, she's not feeling all the way better yet. Don't worry though, I've been watching out for her. Mainly I do that by cuddling her and making cute faces. It's not so hard and she seems to like that alright. I heard the grown ups tell my cousin Hunter that that thing on her leg is to keep it from moving around all over the place. They said if I touch anything that touches the black thing on her leg, she'll cry. So I just don't touch it. I hate seeing my Auntie cry. Maybe she feels the same way about me? No problem though. I barely ever cry, duh. Why would I even want to? Life's too good for tears!

My Cousin! My Computer Auntie!
I'm so happy whenever they're around. Hunter is my best pal. And he's living at my house now! But only for a little bit until Auntie Ellie's knee is fixed. We play and giggle a lot together. He's always teaching me things and I like that. Auntie Kendall, she's always saying stuff to me on the computer screen. I like her better in real life though cuz she gives me lots of kisses. She keeps telling me that I'm so big. I just thought all 7 month olds were as big as one-year olds? Then she says all this stuff about how if I'm so big, then her kids are going to be giants. I like giants. But mostly, I just love my Auntie Kendall. The real life one. I love Hunter too. We had a great day yesterday. Everyone is happy.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Seventy

The Spokane Surprise!

I landed in Spokane at 8:00 last night on a secret mission to shock my whole family. It worked. They were happily confused and even committed double and triple takes to make sure their eyes were telling them the truth. I'll be in Washington for the next week, helping my newly gimped sister (Ellie, the one who had knee reconstructive surgery) maneuver through her days as hazy and helpless one-legged pain-pill popper. Haha :) The surgery went even better than originally planned (praise the Lord!), making her recovery time much shorter. But they did still break her leg and move things around…so she's certainly got a ways to go...but at least not as far as we'd thought prior to surgery! We're managing her discomfort the best we can - she's like a walking pharmacy, this girl - but Ellie still has moments of excruciating pain when the medicine wears off too much. She is, however, in good spirits and looking forward to the day when her knee is pain-free. Please continue to keep her in your prayers!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Sixty-Nine

The New Throwing Friend

Adam and I met Greg at our gym just a couple of weeks ago. He's recovering from a shoulder surgery that put him on the DL all last year. He's down here from New York and working his buns off to hopefully get picked up by a team by spring training's end. In our very first short conversation with Greg, we discovered that he was out of a throwing partner for several days this next month, and not only that, but since he had just moved here from NY, he didn't know very many people in the first place. So since we have plenty of free time in our days, Adam offered to play the same sort of catch with Greg that Adam did previously with me. Greg has a bucket of balls. He throws the balls to Adam until the bucket is empty, then refills it and does it again until his program is complete. Greg's getting in the work that he needs and Adam is more than happy to help...and add his coachly (not a word) advise when appropriate. 

 I think one of the sweetest things in life is being able to see a person's need and then being intentional in meeting it. That's what the Lord has been teaching Adam and I over the last six months. And what a blessing it is to watch what comes out of this sort of intentional living. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Sixty-Eight

The Missing Piece of Foot

This blog post contains a sensitive image that might make your skin crawl and your mouth utter that tiny toddler word, "ewwwwwwww!"


Adam is currently breaking in his new cleats.
And though this happens every time he dawns a fresh pair, the resulting blister has never been quite this  big. That chunk of flesh was probably 4 layers thick and tough as a strip of Duct Tape. *Skin Shiver* Thank goodness he didn't wait until Spring Training to break those puppies in.

Also, for a little more of a baseball update...since I haven't given much of one lately…sorry! :
Adam is currently in his third week of bullpens. He's just now begun working on that oh-so-elusive slider of his from the mound and believe it or not, IT'S COMING ALONG! Party!!!! He's messed with that darn pitch so much over the past 3 seasons and finally, he's made a (hopeful) breakthrough. We're excited to see it develop into a pitch he can use effectively and confidently at the next level.

Aaaaand…one more "also:"
My sister Ellie is going in tomorrow morning (Tuesday, January 28) for a reconstructive knee surgery. She's only 23, but was born with - how I would explain it - "body parts in the wrong place." Tomorrow morning, the doctors are cutting into her knee (and hamstring) to reconstruct some tendons that aren't functioning properly, which are in turn, causing her excruciating pain. Please, if you would, keep Ellie, her doctors, and her nurses in your prayers…that the procedure would go smoothly. That the doctors' hands would work carefully and their minds would think clearly. And that Ellie will come out of surgery healthy and on her way to a recovery that will ease the pain she's been in for so long. Also, since Ellie will not be able to walk for the next three months, she's had to make the decision to call my Mom's home her home until she can - literally - get on her feet again. Praise the Lord, my Mom and Dan are able and willing to help Ellie, so if you would pray for my Mom and Dan…that they'd be given extra patience in these next few months, as their home grows by not just Ellie, but Hunter too :) 

Thank you, friends, so very much.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Sixty-Seven

The Games We Play

Game time at the Hammon's! We played volleyball all day and Headbandz all night. 
(Headbandz: a game where you learn whom out of your friends can't think under pressure…a sure guarantee for deep, gut aching belly laughs.)

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Sixty-Six

The Guy in the Background Makes me Laugh

Someday, Adam will get to play in the church softball league with all our friends too. Just hopefully that someday doesn't come for another oh...20 years ;) 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Sixty-Five

The Slice

Adam baked a pizza.
I said I wanted to "try a slice."
So, he gave me a slice.
Not funny.

(I'm lactose and gluten sensitive, so this was Adam's version of being kind to me. Or maybe he was just being stingy? I may never know. Hahaha)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Sixty-Four

The Grinch Stole Christmas

He tore it down, boxed it up, put it away, and left a messy pine-needle trail all the way down the hall…toward the room with the big ugly dumpster, where our tree now rests (not in peace). Yesterday was a sad day for Christmas.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Sixty-Three

The Universe Declares Your Majesty

The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy.
                               - Psalm 65:8

Happy Wednesday, Friend. It's so good to be alive.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Sixty-Two

The Sign of a Good Marriage ;)

The Bachelor watching party, y'all! A guilty pleasure, for sure. And yes, men - real manly men - watched with us very girly girls. This my friends, is marriage compromise (coercion?) at it's finest ;)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Sixty-One

The NFC Champs

Surprise: I'm just not that much of a football girl. Baseball is greedy that way. It doesn't like to share my heart with any other sport. Fair enough. There's plenty-a reason for that! But when my "hometown" team's playing - regardless of the sport - they've got my screams and cheers. The Seahawks are going to the Super Bowl, and though we're in Florida, Washington will always be a home base for us. Which means: we automatically have an inherent love for our teams. Go Hawks! 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Sixty

The(re's) Deer in our Bellies

Behold: the aftermath of my first venison dinner ever. 
Thank you Tyler and Kelsey for providing the deer! Mmmmm mmmm!

(And yes, it's still Christmas time in the Conley Casa)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Fifty-Nine

The Time it Takes to Replace a Toilet Paper Roll: Five (5) Seconds

If this is the biggest complaint I have in one whole month, I'll call it a marital victory.
Adam is a really good helper and I'm thankful for all he does around the house. Like, super thankful. He sees a need and meets it - which is almost an oxymoron when it comes to men ;) Without asking, he takes out the trash, puts the toilet seat down, does the dishes (next to me), kills the bugs, helps me vacuum, and folds the laundry (well, the boxers and towels at least). He's a walking miracle and no ladies, he's not for sale.

I'd call him the perfect man, but well, that Title is already taken (His name is Jesus). Praise God. But if Adam did manage to figure out how to replace the empty toilet roll, well, he'd at least be a step closer. Until then, I'll just continue reminding him that it takes five seconds to replace a roll with passive-agressive sticky notes taped to the toilet.

(When he saw the note, he looked at me and said, "Did I just get shamed?" I grinned and shook my head yes. Then, we laughed. And then, he changed the roll.)

Friday, January 17, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Fifty-Eight

The Law-Abiding Citizens

We broke the law.
For a whole month.
But as of yesterday, we're once again law-abiding citizens with current tags (AKA "tabs" in Washington) to prove it. Being a crook is no fun, by the way. You're always scared. And who wants to live life always scared? Not me! So don't be a crook, ok. Just don't. Change your tags on time. You only have so much luck.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Fifty-Seven

The Book of Romans

By now, you know the drill.
Wednesdays are spent with this group (and some others that got cut out of the photo…oops), eating, talking, and studying God's Word. Every Wednesday feels like a family reunion to us and we seriously, seriously love every second of it.

Yesterday, we started the book of Romans. And you betcha we're pumped.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Fifty-Six

The Iron

"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another."
                                           -Proverbs 27:17

Thank you, Bill and Donna for your leadership, wisdom, servanthood, and sacrifice. As Adam and I grow deeper in our relationships with Christ, we're humbled that He would chose to put you both in our lives to help sharpen us.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Fifty-Five

The Egg Chugger

Every morning, people. He does this every morning. And then, in the afternoon too. Sometimes before dinner even. Those are egg whites. Yes, EGG WHITES! Washed down with cranberry juice. *Gag* I think it's completely disgusting, but hey, they're good calories, so you won't hear me complain. I don't even get upset about the fact that he drinks both straight from the carton either! Drink up my friend. Ain't nobody else in this house gonna help you down that stuff!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Fifty-Four

The Kendall Shadow

If I were a better wife, Adam wouldn't have to use a fence to throw his slider to. But because I'm not well-versed in the skills of catching a rapidly improving slider without getting my shins, face, and chest crushed, I got replaced by an inanimate object. I'll take it though. I think there's a reason I can't catch his slider anyways…something about me not being a professional baseball player maybe? This time, I'm giving myself a break ;) 

If you will notice, however, even when I'm feeling poopy about not being able to help my Adam more…he goes ahead and shows me just how much I'm actually involved in all this. Look at his shadow and tell me that doesn't look EXACTLY like a giraffe! Me! That's me! Tall and spotted, just like a giraffe! And every time he pitches, his shadow makes a giraffe. Oh yeah baby! He must love me. Haha :)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Fifty-Three

The World's Tiniest Stackables

I don't need fancy jewelry.
I don't want a fancy car.
I don't wear fancy clothes
And our Walmart house furniture is the furthest from fancy there is.
But if there's one thing I want that is any sort of fancy…
I could certainly go for a big fat super duper ultra large washer and dryer.
Maybe even two.

Currently, I can fit maybe THREE towels in my washer at a time. It, therefore, takes an entire day to wash just a few days worth of clothes. We indeed, have the world's tiniest washer and dryer. But hey, at least I don't have to wash Adam's sweaty clothes manually. Perspective, Kendall.

The natural follow up would be…what does Adam want?
Well, he's got the remote, an entire couch, and a wife doing his laundry. 
I think he's good ;)
(Ok ok, to be fair, Adam's laundry privileges are limited anyways. After two years, he still can't fold the shirts right. I'd rather him watch the Seahawks.)

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Fifty-Two

The Food Truck Amends

Every second Friday of the month, our street is invaded by food trucks. And I mean to say invaded in the very best of ways. 

More than 30 (50?) trucks line our street, selling their food and lively spirits until the wee hours of the night. It's always a joy to participate in the festivities, but last night was one we'll remember for years to come.

We were relieved to re-connect with some people in our past with whom issues were left unresolved. For a long time now, it's been on our hearts to clear the air. Last night, the Lord provided us with the opportunity to address the uncomfortable situation in a loving manner, and to make amends. We chose exactly that. It was hard, but we walked away with an overwhelming sense of hope and peace, which was the greatest reward.

"Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you."
                                                -Ephesians 4:32

Friday, January 10, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Fifty-One

The Artists Revealed

Go Van Gogh:
Where you paint things with friends and sample red wines.
A lovely evening indeed!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Fifty

The New Gym 

I got a sneak peak at Adam in the gym yesterday.
Oh yeah baby.
When the Marlins' facility at Roger Dean Stadium closed in early December for a sort of winter break, Adam was gymless. Not good. There's no such thing as a winter break for Adam. And actually, I don't think there is for any professional baseball player. So without a gym and nowhere to bulk his need-to-be-bulked legs, Adam found this place. Coastal Performance. Their philosophy is much different than Adam's ever experienced, but he's gaining in so many areas that he didn't even know were weaknesses…and his leg bulk is coming right along too :) So far, it's been a perfect fit for him and we're grateful for the multiple recommendations to Coastal. 

He's only got 38 more days in the gym before offseason ends. By the time Spring Training rolls around,  we're hoping for big legs, strong hips, one fast fastball, and a nasty, nasty slider.

Oh, and this too…!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Forty-Nine

The Overgrowth

Sooooo, uhm...uhhh…well...
We came back from our cruise and found a visitor. An unwelcomed one, sure. But I can't say it didn't offer us any giggles!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Forty-Eight

The Worst Part About Cruising...

…is leaving.
We discovered over the past three days that cruising may just be vacationing at it's finest. The food is "free," the meals are prepared, the entertainment is constant, and the islands are beautiful. I think we've hit the motherload on traveling.

Until next time, big ship! For now, back to expensive food, unprepared meals, and spotty entertainment. But hey, at least in Florida, the land is still beautiful! ;) 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Forty-Seven

The Bahamian Cruise: Day 3

Climbing while cruising? Why not!
We CANNOT believe just how much there is to do on a cruise ship. And apparently - as we've be informed - the ship we were on was one of the smaller ones in Royal Caribbean's fleet! What?! 11 stories, 3 pools, 2 theaters, 5 restaurants, a rock climbing wall, a bungee jump trampoline, countless bars, and hundreds - maybe a thousand - staterooms is considered small? An oxymoron for sure.


We also learned that every cruise line owns their own Bahamian island. Royal Caribbean owns Cococay, which was were we stopped on day 3 of our trip. Much different than Nassau, where a huge port docks all the cruise ships, these little islands aren't big enough to dock the cruise liners. So - if you'll notice in the photo - the ship anchors some distance offshore and all the passengers board smaller boats that taxi to the island. 

The Enchantment of the Seas, anchored offshore with the taxi boat on it's left.

The happiest Cococay WELCOME!

We departed the taxi boat and headed straight to the little market/souvenir shops, in search of a small vessel to house some Cococay sand - a tradition that we started in Tahiti, one year ago. We found this tiny Patron bottle and a Cococay local etched a special design on it for us! We later filled it with some of the softest sand we've ever felt. 

Oh hi beautiful! 

Hey! A Kendall-sized palm tree! 

Hey! An Adam-sized palm tree!

We LOVE Cococay!
The water was crisp and clear - like looking into bottled water. Absolutely stunning!


And...Adam in a hurricane...

After 4 hours on Cococay, we said goodbye to its magical beauty and silky sand.
We'll be back again someday.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Forty-Six

The Bahamian Cruise: Day 2

We spent our first day on New Providence Island in the Bahamian capital, Nassau.
We exited the ship and immediately had no idea where to go or what to do. Whoops. Thankfully, a local noticed our wandering eyes and invited us to tour the island alongside him and some other visitors. We jumped in the van and off we went. 

He took us on a three hour tour around the island, stopping at various points of interest. This sign was one of the very first things we saw in the city, and I couldn't help but think of my sissy, Shelby, who has Type I Diabetes. Thinking of you as we cruise, Shelby Joy!

Stop #1:
Cable Beach

Fun fact: this beach has it's name because there's literally a cable beneath the sand...that starts here and ends all the way in Jupiter, Florida! So crazy!

Stop #2:
Lower Class Nassau.

The tour involved stopping at all main points on the island. He first took us to the upper class part of town, which was fancy and rich and very comparable to upper class America, where million dollar homes are the norm. Then, he took us to the middle class section of town, which was also comparable to middle class America. But when he took us to the lower class section of town, my jaw dropped. Much of these parts don't have running water or electricity and due to sever weather, the homes are in shambles.

Stop #3:
Fort Fincastle

The fort overlooking the city.

And stop #4:

Oh Atlantis.
You could spend days here and never see everything. We had only 30 minutes to stake out the place...and found this nice throne :)

Apparently, their aquarium is world class and ranked either at the top or at least near it. Next time, we're definitely putting it on the list.

After Atlantis, we headed back to the boat, washed up, ate a fancy dinner, and sat down to enjoy a magic show. It was, well, magical :)

Then, it was time for the parade of flags...

…and finally, the Love and Marriage show.
Where contestants were selected from the audience...

Yep, this definitely happened.
We were one of two married couples with only two years of marriage "experience" in the audience, and sure enough, our names were selected, so up on stage we went! 

If you've ever seen "The Newlywed Show," that's exactly the outline of this game. Oh my embarrassing! Hahaha…we got some GOOD laughs out of each other, the hosts, and the crowd! Adam and I played against three other couples, all ranging from 11 to 19 year marriages…and guess what…we got more answers right than they did! Take that! ;)

The best part though was that after the show and over the next day and a half, various married couples who recognized us came up and offered their advice on how to nurture a successful marriage. Their willingness to share stirred our hearts unexpectedly. Who knew that so much could come out of something so embarrassingly silly?

Still LOVING cruising!