Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Seventy

The Spokane Surprise!

I landed in Spokane at 8:00 last night on a secret mission to shock my whole family. It worked. They were happily confused and even committed double and triple takes to make sure their eyes were telling them the truth. I'll be in Washington for the next week, helping my newly gimped sister (Ellie, the one who had knee reconstructive surgery) maneuver through her days as hazy and helpless one-legged pain-pill popper. Haha :) The surgery went even better than originally planned (praise the Lord!), making her recovery time much shorter. But they did still break her leg and move things around…so she's certainly got a ways to go...but at least not as far as we'd thought prior to surgery! We're managing her discomfort the best we can - she's like a walking pharmacy, this girl - but Ellie still has moments of excruciating pain when the medicine wears off too much. She is, however, in good spirits and looking forward to the day when her knee is pain-free. Please continue to keep her in your prayers!

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