Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Fifty-Three

The World's Tiniest Stackables

I don't need fancy jewelry.
I don't want a fancy car.
I don't wear fancy clothes
And our Walmart house furniture is the furthest from fancy there is.
But if there's one thing I want that is any sort of fancy…
I could certainly go for a big fat super duper ultra large washer and dryer.
Maybe even two.

Currently, I can fit maybe THREE towels in my washer at a time. It, therefore, takes an entire day to wash just a few days worth of clothes. We indeed, have the world's tiniest washer and dryer. But hey, at least I don't have to wash Adam's sweaty clothes manually. Perspective, Kendall.

The natural follow up would be…what does Adam want?
Well, he's got the remote, an entire couch, and a wife doing his laundry. 
I think he's good ;)
(Ok ok, to be fair, Adam's laundry privileges are limited anyways. After two years, he still can't fold the shirts right. I'd rather him watch the Seahawks.)

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