Monday, January 13, 2014

Day Eight Hundred and Fifty-Four

The Kendall Shadow

If I were a better wife, Adam wouldn't have to use a fence to throw his slider to. But because I'm not well-versed in the skills of catching a rapidly improving slider without getting my shins, face, and chest crushed, I got replaced by an inanimate object. I'll take it though. I think there's a reason I can't catch his slider anyways…something about me not being a professional baseball player maybe? This time, I'm giving myself a break ;) 

If you will notice, however, even when I'm feeling poopy about not being able to help my Adam more…he goes ahead and shows me just how much I'm actually involved in all this. Look at his shadow and tell me that doesn't look EXACTLY like a giraffe! Me! That's me! Tall and spotted, just like a giraffe! And every time he pitches, his shadow makes a giraffe. Oh yeah baby! He must love me. Haha :)

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