Friday, February 22, 2013

Day Five Hundred and Thirty

The Gear and a Letter

When Adam and I left college, both of our entire workout wardrobes were Nike. WSU Athletics has a Nike contract, so that's what we wore. Only. Twice a year, Nike filled our lockers with all sorts of goodies, and as two (beyond) broke college students, it was a welcomed event. (I remember the very first time I got my gear. I looked around completely baffled. I had no idea what was going on. What? You're giving me this? Like, for free? I get free shoes?! No way! I was a clueless freshman with a lot to learn. Nobody had ever told me that collegiate athletes get free clothes.)

Fast forward a few years, and I still feel the same way. Totally baffled and feeling completely blessed. Only, instead of a Nike-bearing Santa Claus, Old St. Nick now brings gifts of Under Armor. Yesterday, we came home to a box on our front porch. Thank you Under Armor. We feel like two kids on Christmas. (At least I do!)

As Adam's dreams get closer and my writing gains more readers, the two of us are learning new lessons. This lifestyle brings attention that I can't say I'm fully ready for. And as he climbs the minor league ladder, so does public interest. When people look up Adam's name, they'll likely find this blog. They'll find the detailed days of our lives and a marriage that reaches far beyond the world of baseball. I've documented our marriage because I want to remember. It's a joy to have the ability to look back to Day 372 and remember the last time I went to church with my dad. Or Day 209 when Adam made his Greensboro debut. The first time Adam ever voted, on Day 143 . Remembering days like Day 36 when walking to the store was our only option. And Day 18 where I write about how this whole thing started in the first place. I realize now that not only can I remember, but so can everyone else...and that's a lot of information for someone with an agenda. I've written faithfully and with all sincerity to document a life that's not common. One, because I think it's interesting, two, because I have much to say, and three, so that my family and friends can experience these days with us. I'm realizing now that there are some boundaries that I must shy away from and that's something I wasn't conscious of when I first started this. So, what seems completely innocent to me, might be ammo for someone else's arsenal. Deep breath. I'm learning. 

All that to say...I want to continue being as transparent as possible, while still respecting the game in ways I hadn't considered. That's why, in the picture above, I've scribbled out the names of other players. Adam and Jose (along with others) were invited to a Spring Training BBQ last night to sign some autographs and hang out with the community. I wasn't there to experience it with him, but I trust that it was a sweet time of service to dedicated Marlins supporters.

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