The Day, Full of Hope
Saturday was just about as full as it could get.
Bub played in the semi-championship game to close out his first undefeated season. His team will play in the final games Friday and Saturday, but as of now, we will not be here for those games—more on that later.

Our undefeated Emeralds!!
We had no expectation other than to practice two weeks with the team before departing for Japan, but here he is four months later holding the first trophy that he thoroughly deserved! Good job this season, Bearett (top row, second from the right)!!! He’s beginning to actually understand the game and for the first time ever, he’s asking to play baseball outside of games and practices. What a fun season!

Directly following his game, we had a meeting to *close* (!!!!!) on the 3 acre Property (yes, THAT one!) we purchased!!!!! It is finalized on Thursday but because we’re currently planning on being out of town by then, we moved up our signing date to Saturday.
We then went back to our favorite tiny apartment, where we met with our architect to begin the process of building our Forever Home!

Then it was naps, supper delivery to a friend, and a baby shower at the gym with our dear girls, celebrating the much anticipated arrival of Coach Jena’s little boy!
Amelia: “We’re going to a baby shower!!”
Bearett: “A baby shower????”
Amelia: “Yeah, cuz Coach Jena is having the baby in the shower!!”
Bearett: “Why would she have a baby in the shower?!”
Amelia: “Ugh, cuz he’s a boy and that’s where they’re born!”
They had such a fun time celebrating with their friends and playing in their huge gym one last time before we leave for a little while. It was tough, but we said goodbye to Ms. Angie and Ms. Taylor—both ladies whom we’ve come to dearly cherish over the course of these last few months. Of all the reasons we’re thankful this season has gone the way it has, forming relationships with the two of them stands right up there, somewhere at the top. You are loved. You are prayed for. You are welcomed always, no matter the time or distance. Thank you for trusting us and loving our babes as you do. We are so grateful.
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