The Doc Stop
Louie at the doctor! It only took us a year and a half to get this picture, but since she’s never been sick, we haven’t seen the need to take her. However, with all the unknowns surrounding baseball and insurance and all that grown up stuff, we figured the time had come. So, we went, we got her height, weight, and head circumference measured, and then talked about her herniated belly button—which doesn’t need any attention yet—and off we went! Good job Little Lou!

Meanwhile, Dad took the other four Gremlins to the nature preserve for a mid-morning stroll through the woods. Their time was cut short, however, when Ella Mae panicked after learning that Dad and Bub had just witnessed an extremely large bobcat walk by. She wanted nothing to do with the big cat, so Daddy obliged and took them to the park instead. Good job Papa Bear.

And when we met them back at home, it wasn’t a moment later that things were TOTALLY back to normal.
I love my babes.
Even if/WHEN they spill literally fifteen times a day.
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