The Conley Explosion
It’s just a wee bit of a bomb around the Conley house. A peed on couch (compliments of Molly), 6 loads of laundry, skipped school, breakfast at 10, 4 separate Bitsy “accidents,” a lost job,

and two cars full of stuff, spilling out into ALL my rooms.

And yet, it’s as though their lives didn’t just massively shift. To them, everything is totally normal. THANK YOU JESUS. I will say about our children: they are incredibly flexible and so naive to Adam’s job, both of which we will continue raising them up under. From us, we are doing well when they understand and see first hand that they need not fret for any reason other than recognizing sin in their own lives and in ours. So when we told them that we weren’t going to play for the Marlins anymore or go to Marlins Park, one of the babes shouted, “let‘a get traded to Philly then cuz that’s where Mr. Bourhog is!” You gotta love it.
And yet, it’s as though their lives didn’t just massively shift. To them, everything is totally normal. THANK YOU JESUS. I will say about our children: they are incredibly flexible and so naive to Adam’s job, both of which we will continue raising them up under. From us, we are doing well when they understand and see first hand that they need not fret for any reason other than recognizing sin in their own lives and in ours. So when we told them that we weren’t going to play for the Marlins anymore or go to Marlins Park, one of the babes shouted, “let‘a get traded to Philly then cuz that’s where Mr. Bourhog is!” You gotta love it.
In the next few days, we’ll know more about what’s next. Per MLB rules, Adam cannot go back to AAA without becoming a free agent. So, in the next 48 hours, he’ll either get claimed by another team and placed directly onto their MLB roster, but it no team claims him, he becomes a free agent after those 48 hours and teams can call his agent to agree on a totally separate deal with no guarantee of being in the Big Leagues. This latter scenario is most likely, in which case Adam would become a free agent and choose which organization he plays for among the teams that contact his own agent with an offer. Now, being that he hasn’t even pitched a single inning this year at the MLB level due to landing on the Covid Injured List three games into the season, there is a chance that Adam won’t get any offers from any teams until after this season has already ended. It’s complicated, I know. Questions abound at the moment, as we’ve never obviously gone through this process, but they’ll be answered over the next couple of days. Regardless of what happens, we’re doing so well. We recognize confidently that baseball is only a PART of our life. It’s a gift having been graciously given to us by the Lord and we only have gratitude to express for all the years we’ve been in one place for it. And so, we wait. Patiently and without worry, without fear or anxiety. Yes, we look forward to having more information, but while we wait, we are content. The Lord is so kind to have grown me to a place in my faith where I can say that and actually mean it. It wasn’t but a few years ago when we got sent down to AAA unexpectedly that I nearly lost my mind, fretting over EVERYTHING, fighting the demotion the entire 6 weeks we were there, and complaining daily in discontentment with where the Lord had brought us. Ella Mae was two months old at the time and Amelia was 2, and I look back on those days now desiring to smack myself upside the head for not trusting God’s perfect plan for our lives. I needed to go through that in order to grow in my own faith. And now, I stand with roots so much deeper than before. Maybe not as deep as Adam’s though haha. That man is unshakeable. Goodness am I thankful for his daily testimony of his love and trust in God.
I’ll post more later.
It’s been a whirlwind already and we’re still catching up—I started this specific blog post at midnight, fell asleep, and it’s now 6AM as I finish it haha. I have so much to still say, but it’ll have to wait. Goodnight...morning!
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