Monday, August 17, 2020

Day 3,262

The Coronavirus-19: NO MORE

Aaaaaaaand, we’re back in the Big Home!

Daddy was finally cleared after 3 weeks of asymptomatic Cawonaviwus-19 and has now been sent to the Jupiter facility to train back up and prepare for pitching in MLB games. All of the 18 once-positive Marlins players have been reinstated after spending at least 8 days in total quarantine/isolation to their respective hotel rooms, if not many more. I can’t and won’t speak for any of them, but I can for Adam: he’s excited to finally be enjoying the air, sunshine, health, and activity alongside his teammates as he prepares properly and diligently for the workload his job demands. For what it’s worth, we tried our best with what we had at the Little Home between pool workouts and street throwing to a girl. But, I’m no professional ball player, let’s be real. And pool workouts over the long run just won’t do, either. So, he’s ready and excited and preparing in all the ways he knows how in order to best perform for his team and serve them well. Welcome back to the field, Fish! We can’t wait to see you back out there!

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