Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Day 3,248

The COVID Chronicles: Bringing Him Home 

First Sunday ever that we got to worship with Dad together over FaceTime. 

The kids did great and we were thankful for the ability to accomplish this “first.” 

But, knowing he was not far from us, sitting in a hotel room for an entire week without access to in person fellowship, sunshine, or fresh air, and going on twelve days apart from him (we have a ten day rule that necessitates us not spending more than 10 days apart for the sake of the kids’ hearts and for our marriage)...had us over it and feeling like this. 

And so, we brought our Daddy home.
He’ll be spending the rest of his quarantine here.  
And for our own family, it was by far, the most proper and faithful option we had.

I will comment more at a later time. For now, rest assured that he’s asymptomatic, well, and doing all he can to recover from the events of this last week...starting with fresh air, sunshine, exercise, and a salt water pool. 

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