Monday, July 27, 2020

Day 3,240

The Hearts Filled

We woke up to scrumptious faces and tasty fingertips yesterday. 

Our new friends and guests surprised us with our most favorite morning treat—a thoughtful gesture that brought sure smiles to our cheeks and increased affection in our hearts. They’d already won us by their testimony of faithfulness, but then they went and won us by our bellies and we are PUMPED! 

We were busy all day, enjoying our company, hosting more company, and never running out of things to do or people to talk to. It was at some point later on in the evening that I’d realized I never took any pictures of our daytime fun, so I handed off the phone to Amelia and had her snap some pictures. I think a new perspective might be fresh and interesting—potentially a school assignment we entertain this year because I’m getting too old, too busy, and too tired to keep this blog up on my own, especially as ministry opportunities increase and fellowship deepens. 

Definitely a perspective missing when I’m the one snapping all the photos! In case you didn’t know, Ella Mae still thinks she’s a baby...and often, Mommy shamelessly snatches her up and loves her like one, even though her size begs to differ. 

Thanks for your help yesterday, Amelia! Your smile is just exactly how I felt when my head touched the pillow sometime after 1AM, after saying goodnight to my new friends. The Lord has given Adam and I such a treasured gift in being able to witness some of the fruits of many years of labor in our baseball ministry, and we’re both extremely thankful, humbled, and encouraged by the faithfulness on display in the lives of our guests. Experiencing a zeal for truth, a hunger for righteousness, and increasing maturity from Believers in baseball is absolutely stunning and beautiful and has been up to this point, very few and far between. So you can imagine our hearts bursting with joy as we get to know and live life alongside and pursue very intentional relationships with brothers and sisters brought together through the game of baseball.  It brings me to my knees in continued awe of our Lord. What grace and kindness and mercy and love that He continues saving sinners unto Himself. Praise Him. Oh, praise His name!

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