The Conley Quarantine: Day 50
Wouldya lookie there!
Conleys on a boat: Round Two.

Three families.
Ten kids.
Two boats.
And a sandbar right where the river meets the intercoastal!
An oasis that for the evening, was ALL to ourselves. It was truly such a treat - something we’ll long cherish, even if the rain attempted thwarting our plans!

The water was warm even though the sun hid, masking it’s blue lagoon twinkle. Regardless, the kids went absolutely crazy for this place.

They got to see hermit crabs.

Correction: they got to find HUNDREDS of hermit crabs!

They got to shovel sand in water that had ZERO wave.

They got to learn how to make “drip castles!”

And watch their mamas pursue deeper friendships.

Mimicking it though: a work in progress.

They got to watch daddies grill supper in the sand and bait shark.

They got to surprise silly string Daddy for his birthday!!

(And everyone else too!)
And sing him happy birthday even though the candles wouldn’t stay lit!
And then they got to eat cake.
On a sandbar.

Lots of cake.

And then, they got to sit in the boat and eventually, see about 20 dolphins swimming and playing and circling all around us!
And we can’t wait to do it ALL again!!
It was a relaxing, sweet, and cherished time together with our friends. We are so thankful that the Lord, in His great kindness, has given us our church body to do life alongside. What a treasure!
Happy sandbar boat day to us!
And happy (early) birthday, Dad!
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