The Conley Quarantine: Day 39
Mother’s Day and Sunday collide. Worship has never been so loud and off tune BUT, it’s never been so adorable either! It was the perfect way to start my morning/afternoon.
The actual morning itself began with a slight hiccup though. The sink disposal cracked somehow and brown water had accumulated under the sink (lovely, right?!). For more reasons than just one, this Mama is thankful Daddy was home to save the Mother’s Day.

I think more than any other Mother’s Day in my five years of celebrating, this one was the sweetest and most encouraging. As I realize with more and more clarity just how beautiful and important and urgent and necessary the task before me is - the fact that it is my influence that will most greatly shape the lives of these children - I am met with humility and tremendous gratitude. I desire so badly to honor the Lord in this tremendously difficult yet ever-rewarding role and will continue to learn and grow and fight sin and love these babes as faithfully as I know how to. Their souls are before me, and it is with great and constant prayer that the Lord would redeem my broken attempts while redeeming their sinful hearts. May we as mothers be those, who when our children look to us, they see clearly the heart of Christ.
I think more than any other Mother’s Day in my five years of celebrating, this one was the sweetest and most encouraging. As I realize with more and more clarity just how beautiful and important and urgent and necessary the task before me is - the fact that it is my influence that will most greatly shape the lives of these children - I am met with humility and tremendous gratitude. I desire so badly to honor the Lord in this tremendously difficult yet ever-rewarding role and will continue to learn and grow and fight sin and love these babes as faithfully as I know how to. Their souls are before me, and it is with great and constant prayer that the Lord would redeem my broken attempts while redeeming their sinful hearts. May we as mothers be those, who when our children look to us, they see clearly the heart of Christ.
I love you endlessly, my children. What a joy you are and what a gift. I pray I never again take you or this time with you for granted. This is THE labor I was made for. I’m trying my best to do it well.
And seriously guys, just as an encouragement to you when you’re older... your gifts were maybe the cutest and most thoughtful I’ve ever received.
(Daddy took them all to Target and were told they could get whatever they wanted to give Mommy AND the bag/tissue paper to wrap it in! Then mommy got to guess who’s gift came from which babe!!) I so thoroughly enjoyed the thoughtfulness and excitement of their efforts - I even got personalized cards from each of them.
Y’all make me smile so big.
And I LOVE my mommy too!!
It truly is such a joy to be your daughter, Mom. I’ve learned tremendously from you and know without question, that whenever I’m in need of most anything at all, you’re always there immediately, offering your hand and your heart. I’m excited to enter into a new chapter in our relationship, and have great hope for what the Lord has prepared. I love you Mom. And I miss you.
Happy Mother’s Day!!
Especially to you as well, Nana, Grandma Katy, Grandma Tracy, Grandma Chris, and Grandma Cecilia!
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