Saturday, November 3, 2018

Day 2,316

The Early Vote

Pre-plans for Tuesday had us concerned regarding our civic duty to vote. Not to worry, early voting exists so we can have both plans!

So we packed up the kids and took them on a field trip. Can’t think of a better way to teach about voting than by doing it alongside them! They had lots of questions,  their first being: “but where’s the boat?” After we conquered the phonics lesson that “vote” and “boat” are two VERY different things, they were open to the idea that by voting, we’re able to choose people we think will make the best choices and wisest decisions when it comes to making and enforcing laws and rules.  The elementary idea was enough for them to somewhat grasp, though I think they were more interested in the stickers and lollipops. Can’t say I blame them. In any case, do yourself a favor: plan a few spare minutes of your Tuesday (November 6), head to your local voting station, and get yourself a sticker. If you happen to actually review the candidates and your local/state amendments, well, even better. Get yourself two stickers then. 

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