Saturday, March 24, 2018

Day 2,392

The Ella Mae Birthday Babe

Someone's (almost) one!!!
And so, we celebrated! 
Now, since she's got nearly the worst birthday date in relation to the baseball world (sorry MaterKate!), we had to bump up her birthday party, which meant that Daddy couldn't be there. We're thankful we could celebrate with our friends, but since Daddy was gone, we're leaving the decorations up and have plans to celebrate our Ella Mae all week long - Daddy included!!

Since it's not her birthday yet, and because I've stayed up excessively late every night for the past three nights, you'll have to come back on her actual birthday (the 29th) to read all about Ella Mae's first year and about how crazy, madly in love we are with her.

Until then, enjoy the sweetness of Ella Mae's first birthday party as we celebrated our dearly loved, radiant, and full of life Rainbow Babe!

(The Aunt Kim birthday box!!!! Cute as ever! One deer-ful!)

Turns out, it's nearly impossible to host a party, celebrate your babe, be a mom, and take pictures simultaneously. But we managed well enough and I was able to capture a little bit of her special day! I hope you know how much I love you, Ella Mater Mashed Potater <3


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