Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Day Two Thousand and Seventeen

The Second 39th Week


It's the second time I've experienced the thrill and complete anxious nerves about being 39 weeks pregnant. So much unknown looms directly ahead of me and I can't wait for the progression to begin. Our lives are about to change dramatically and my excitement over it is unfathomable. Meeting this baby is so much different this time around - or at least I think it will be. Restoration. Preparation. Sacrifice. Life. This child is coming to us at such a sweet and delicate point in our lives and in our faith and our hearts are oh, so ready. So, so ready. 

Big Sister helps measure and feel the Beebee at every single appointment. She's hands on and doesn't like to watch idly. I love that about her. She doesn't quite understand what exactly is happening, but she loves my belly something fierce. I can't wait to see that translated. 

Right now, I'm feeling mostly severely uncomfortable and tired. But that's the expectation of a woman who's belly is the size of a basketball, so I try not to complain. I have tremendous help in Adam, who is constantly serving me with such grace and care. Paired with a church body and sweet friends who've helped pick up my slack, things are good. And so is the Lord. We've been faced with a few unexpected trials this week, but my pastor's wife has been faithful in helping me learn how to shepherd my own heart, so speaking truth to myself has grown me immensely in my faith this week. I am so grateful. 


In just a few days, these memories will be distant and fuzzy - a reality that isn't ours anymore. So lately, I've really just been trying to savor these moments with my girl while I dream about what she'll be like as a sister. She's got such a joy about her spirit and it's so completely contagious. I'll definitely miss these appointments with her and my midwives. Amelia loves hearing her Beebee's heart (in the 140s again yesterday) and once she's heard her sibling's, she always asks to hear hers. "BOOM BOOM BOOM! You hear dat?" she squeals. It's precious. So is she. And so is this life. Thank you Jesus. 

(One more small thing: our Babe is still posterior, which means that they're facing "sunny side up." It's not the worst thing to deal with, but labor is so much easier with the baby turned the other way. So please pray for them to flip over!)

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