Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Day One Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty-Three

The Premature Return

It was 18 days ago that we were last in this exact spot.
Talk about surreal.
It felt sweet to be back...even though we weren't there on the best terms.
We had a little scare yesterday, and so, we packed up and headed to the birthing center.
And while Elizabeth tended to me, Adam took care of Millie.
Melt my heart!
(Turns out, I'm totally fine, but because of my prolapsed uterus, I didn't want to take any chances...) mom is SUCH a hypochondriac.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mama! I seriously love following your blog and baby Amelia's journey in this world. You give me hope that having a baby during baseball season is manageable. Just wanted to let you know!!
