Monday, December 8, 2014

Day One Thousand One Hundred and Eighty-Three

The Twenty-Eighth Week

To My Dearest Little Lady,
Mama's getting more and more self-conscious of these weekly photos, but since they're for you to hopefully enjoy one day, I'll keep them coming. After this week's, there's only 12 belly pics left...can you even believe it?!

Week 28!
Wow...what a week it was!
Ok, so if you were a vegetable, this week, you'd have been an eggplant! 2.25 pounds and almost 15 inches long! Oh my, you're just so big! Good thing you don't stay an eggplant forever though...mommy and daddy aren't too wild about them. Ick. In the past 7 days, you've been quite the busy little girl. You flew all the way to Colorado, stayed in a fancy hotel, experienced an incredible conference, and worshipped with some really fun worship bands! However, I don't think that was quite enough excitement for you, Little One...because you made sure to kick Mommy like crazy all night every night while we were there. And with the already late night bed times due to the conference AND the extreme dryness of the Colorado air, I wasn't feeling too hot by the time we left on Friday afternoon. I was one exhausted and sick Mommy! My nose bled every day, my ankles wouldn't un-swell, and my skin flaked off all snake-like. Eeeek! Oh, and I accidentally broke the hotel's humidifier at 4 o'clock AM one morning, which almost cost us the computer and my Kindle when the water spilled all over them! Thankfully, it was just an accident and nothing was ruined (well, except the humidifier). Oops! Turns out, Mommy's brain isn't functioning at quite the capacity it does when I'm not carrying you around or sleep deprived. It's ok though. I prefer being a little less brainy and having you in there than being Ms. Smarty Pants and not having you in there! Gosh I just love you! Oh, and also, my dexterity is out the window too, if you were wondering. I can't seem to get a firm grasp on anything, which means that I'm dropping everything I touch! Craziness! It's funny experiencing all these changes though and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love feeling you growing in there...reacting to what I eat and what I do...when I wake and when I sing. You make us so happy already. Daddy feels you every day and kisses you right on my belly. I can't wait for you to meet him. It's going to be the best moment of my life. I love you, Precious Girl.

All my love,

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