Saturday, December 6, 2014

Day One Thousand One Hundred and Eighty-One

The Increase

If I could put into words how life-changingly beautiful our week in Colorado was, I would. But I can't. Partly because I'm running off four hours of sleep after 18 hours of travel. Partly because I'm 6.5 months pregnant and experiencing fog-mind like never before. But mostly because of the massive breadth of truth and wisdom that flooded into our souls. System: overload. In the very best way. We have so much to churn over and digest in the days and weeks and months to follow, and because of that, we're forever grateful for the ministry of PAO. Their hearts to reach the baseball community in the name of Christ is uniquely dear to us, and we're already looking forward to how next year's conference will shape our lives. We've got two in the books already - alongside Kyle and Sue - and can't wait to grow our families up in the arms of a baseball family ministry that loves Jesus more than anything. Thank you, Professional Athletes Outreach for investing in us in the most important way: our eternities.

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